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ATTENTION: Maple Hill Residents

Water service has started for your area. Some customers are already enjoying the benefits of having county water service. The PSA encourages all Maple Hill customers, if they have not already done so, to come by the PSA office to complete their account setup, so that meters can be installed and service rendered. All Maple Hill residents who signed user agreements for the project will receive their first bill in February regardless of connection status. They can call the office at 276-346-7775 for more information.

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PSA Project Receives EPA AQUARIUS Award

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Pictured, left to right: District 1 board member Harold Jerrell, VDH - Office of Drinking Water FCAP Project Manager Jack Hinshelwood, District 2 board member Bill Carter (chairman), and District 4 board member Greg Rasnic.

The Financial & Construction Assistance Programs (FCAP) office of the Virginia Department of Health nominated the Giles Hollow Water Line Extension Phase 1 project for the 2023 Aquarius award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). "I am pleased to announce that the EPA has awarded the Giles Hollow Project an honorable mention from among all the project submittals nationwide," stated Anthony Hess, FCAP Director. "Specifically, the project was recognized for: Excellence in System Partnerships (e.g., projects that involved many stakeholder entities) and Excellence in Environmental and Public Health Protection (e.g., projects that address health risks). On behalf of VDH and ODW (Office of Drinking Water), I congratulate Lee County PSA on receiving this recognition and appreciate the PSA and its board's efforts to ensure safe and reliable drinking water to Lee County, Virginia residents."


Jack Hinshelwood presented the award to the PSA Board of Directors at their July 2024 meeting and added, "I am very proud of Lee County PSA, Tracy (Puckett), Mike (Brindle) and the board on receiving this award. I always enjoy working with Tracy and Mike and Lee County PSA, it's always a first-class experience, you all do such a wonderful job."


The EPA award is part of the AQUARIUS Recognition Program from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). DWSRF is a $45 billion federal-state partnership dedicated to protecting America’s public health. The program finances the construction and rehabilitation of critical drinking water infrastructure, along with public health-focused programs and activities across our nation. The DWSRF AQUARIUS program nationally recognizes DWSRF-funded projects for exceptional focus on six main areas. These projects are examples of the high level of innovation possible with the DWSRF. The Lee County PSA's Giles Hollow Project qualified for two of the six areas.


From the AQUARIUS program website: On April 3, 2024, EPA recognized state and community representatives for excellent and innovative projects within the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) programs at the Council of Water Infrastructure Financing Authorities (CIFA).  These exemplary projects demonstrate leadership in innovative financing, partnership and problem solving while improving water quality and public health protection. We are proud to announce that the Giles Hollow Project in Lee County, Virginia is recognized for Excellence in System Partnerships and Excellence in Environmental and Public Health Protection.

2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports (CCR)

This year's reports can be found under News & Notices

EPA Revised Lead & Copper Rule
Click Lead & Copper Above Or The Button Below
To See How Customers Can Assist With Inventory




In keeping with our commitment to maintain minimal rates for sewer service, the Lee Co PSA is asking all of its sewer customers to refrain from flushing anything down the toilet except human waste and toilet paper. This includes any and all items that may be labeled "flushable". Any items flushed down the toilet except for human waste and toilet paper creates numerous issues for your service lines, the PSA's lines, our pump stations, and ultimately, our treatment facility, which increases operating costs, and thus increases customer costs.


Help us keep the rates you pay at a minimum. We certainly appreciate your cooperation and understanding on this matter. 



                                                                                                 ~ PSA Management

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Next Board of Directors Meeting is Tuesday, January 28 at 3 p.m.

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